
Showing posts from December, 2011
  '15 Minutes Outside Challenge' Since we are following a Charlotte Mason Education using  outside time is very important in our homeschool. Jam and Boo don't really have a problem with this. They both have outside chores that get them outside and once they are there, honestly the problem is getting them back inside. These were taken last year... I told him to hurry and get his chores done (It was absolutely FREEZING) - I had to actually go outside and drag him in - taking my camera along of course. I think I am definitely going to try and get little Jam outside everyday - even it is just for 15 minutes. They enjoy doing anything outside. We even planted some spring bulbs recently. They loved making a mess  preparing the garden for spring. (You will be glad to know my grass looks completely normal again).
I just found this excellent tutorial for making homemade bug spray!! It looks really good. I will have to gather all the supplies ready for the spring. Pop over to  I can teach my child!  to see the tutorial.
We are all together today celebrating Boxing Day. Grandma really excelled herself with dessert! I will blog directions later... But here is a sample.
We had a very special visitor at our house tonight! Little Jam said "You are my Grandpa... You must be a helper Santa!"
I was given a copy of the PDF book 'Take 5' from   Kaye Hagler  in PDF format to review from  Librarything . I was very interested in reading about her ideas for building 'Critical Thinking'. After reading through her introduction there are 182- ready to use templates which the author calls 'prompts' that are ready to use or modify to individual needs.  Here's a copy of the first one: act quickly In literature, the antagonist is often seen as the bad guy or villain. The antagonist, however, isn’t always a human being. It can be anything that creates conflict with the main character. If a character gets stranded in a snowstorm, the storm can be the antagonist. The antagonist could be a disease, a temptation, an opposing team, or even yourself! If it causes a problem, then it’s probably an antagonist. you are the hero in this story. As a hero, you must battle many forces. These are your antagonists. You have just scaled the wall of a castle. It se
This Dollar Tree find was a huge hit. Jam managed to make this himself and I think is was a great craft for $1.00. Jam even hand sewed the sails on to make it extra sturdy. All in all a lot of fun. He is very proud of himself. Check out Dollar Tree as they had other kits including a race car and a Helicopter.
Check out this deal on Shade clothing If you haven't checked out their selections yet now is the time My nieces love these!! Check out their website  here
If you like  Wholly Guacamole You have to check out their coupon offer!! Like them on  facebook  and check out their Christmas coupon offer!! (yes I did just say CHRISTMAS - not holiday!!) Here's the instructions; You send us your holiday card with a self-addressed envelope WITH postage, we will send you back 2 bogo coupons ($12 value). cards must hit out office by December 15th. mail to marketing, wholly guacamole, 300 burlington road, saginaw, tx, 76179.
I just won a code for a free i-phone app from  Chorepad Unfortunately I have a droid phone / pad and so I can't use it. (My Sister in law will benefit) I am looking forward to them  hoping they bring out a Droid Version soon!!
Target is running an excellent offer for their Facebook Fans right now!! Target $10.00 off $50.00 coupon