
Showing posts from January, 2022

What makes a great teacher?

Have you ever read an article that really resonates with you? I recently read the article  Is The Great American Teacher Dead?  You ought to read it! It's quite thought-provoking. I can remember when I was young maybe third or 4th grade I had a teacher that brought her guitar into the classroom and at the end of the day, we would all sit around and sing songs. I can remember lining up in the classroom racing to recite my multiplication facts You might wonder why this is relevant...I bring it up because I can only remember a handful of teachers and these two teachers are always the ones that come to mind first.  What makes a teacher memorable? For me, they were either really good, like the teacher I mentioned above, or really bad like a Religious Studies teacher I had when I attended boarding school. Or the foreign language teachers that basically kicked me out of class because I had moved to a new school where the other kids were years ahead of me and they wrote me off as too much