
Showing posts from April, 2014

A is for America - Blogging Through the Alphabet

We have lived in the United States for a long time. However hopefully soon we will make it official and become Citizens . In May we will be having our Citizenship interviews and we are very excited. Did you know that you have to take a test to become a Citizen? We have been studying for the last few weeks along with the kids. Although they are Citizens (they were born here) and don't have to take the test. My husband and I thought it would be a great idea to have them learn the 100 questions right alongside us. Have you ever read the questions. I would be interested to know how many you know (without studying) I knew a lot of them - I know I surprised myself but there were still some I had to work on. I am linking up with Ben and Me for her new round of ABC Blogging.

Wordless Wednesday


Alone Yet Not Alone - Review and Giveaway

We have all had times when we feel alone whether it's physically or spiritually. We recently had the chance to review a book  Alone Yet Not Alone that goes along with the new movie being released on June 13th. We love historical fiction and had heard about this story before so everyone was really excited to check it out.  The book is about the Leininger Family who settle in the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania. They are very happy with the blessing of a beautiful homestead. Then at the beginning of the French and Indian War tragedy strikes. Their lives are altered forever when the sisters Barbara and Regina are kidnapped by the Delaware Indians. They put their faith and trust in God by following the teachings of their father to the test and relies on it to carry them through their trial. A lot of their strength came through singing. I know when mt oldest daughter had her accident and was life flighted to the Children's Hospital I kept singing a song of strength in my mind

Can You Dance to the Boogaloo? Book Review

Litte J and I were recently sent a really fun cute book called  Can You Dance to the Boogaloo?   by Alice V Lickens. Little J is right at the top of the recommended age range for this book. However, it didn't matter as he loved it. I think we read it 10 times the day it arrived in the mail. It's fun 'let's get up and dance' type of book. Which not only makes it fun to listen too but also to read. Which is a huge plus on the 10th time through! (believe me I know). Not only was this book bright and fun it's also educational. Little J knows the names of a lot of the instruments found in this book but remember he is at the older end of the age range. Reading this to a three year old would be a fun way to introduce them to the names and sounds of all the instruments in the book. This is definitely a fun book. Can YOU resist the Boogaloo? ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other conten

Random Five Friday April 25th 2014

1. Today at 8:30 AM I decided to go to the Zoo. It's how we roll here, spur of the moment decisions. It was awesome, 75 degrees and sunny. I called a friend who came along with her son. It was a good day.  2. We are adding the sand to the bottom of the pool tomorrow. Then the only thing to do I think will be to add the liner and fill it up...Are you excited, I am! Then we just need the summer to come! 3. If you are looking for a math program you should check out my CTC Math Review . We all love this program. 4. Boo is doing great on the piano have you checked out her latest accomplishment  Pachelbel Canon . 5. My brother and his family are moving this weekend to another State. I am really sad but glad for them and hope all the best for them. I am just sad they will be 5 hours away. Don't forget to check out other Random Five's over at the Pebble Pond.  ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other

Pachelbel Canon - My Wedding March

Although I am a member of  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and we get married in the Temple . In England where my husband and I were married you have to be married civilly first in one of our chapels. So I walked down the aisle on a chilly Saturday in December. I never liked the traditional wedding march very much and so I copied my sister and used Pachelbel Canon as my wedding march. Recently my daughter learned to play it and I love it. It brings back wonderful memories. ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author

CTCMath Online Math Tutor Review {SchoolHouse Review Crew}

I don't know about you but I am not a math person. I would love to be but I'm not. So I did the next best thing and married one. So anything that offers me the chance to make math easier to understand for my kids is manna from heaven to me. We were offered the chance to review  CTC Math and I couldn't have been more excited, My children however not so much. We were given a  12 Month Family Plan and so everyone was covered from Kindergarten up. The program itself covers Kindergarten all the way to Calculus. Since my math husband has to go to work he can't always be there to answer the kids questions (OK I can normally handle it but maybe not for long). My plan was to try this program out with Jam and Little J (7th grade and Kindergarten) because Boo has another online Math program she uses. However withing a week or so of the others using it Boo was hooked and started using this program a long side her other math programs (yes that is meant to be plural) in fa

Wordless Wednesday

Headlamp on a school day - of course!

Random Friday - April 18 2014

Today has been a little weird. Do you find that when you have a Friday off you keep thinking its Saturday. So here's my Random Five for the day. 1. I have a five year old completely crazy about Captain America.  2. Today we finished putting the frame up for our pool. We keep thinking about how nice it will be in the summer when it's stinking hot! 3. My husband told me today the jobs he wants to get done in the next two months...then he intends to go to work and come home and play all summer. Sounds like a plan to me. So today we made our flower beds weed free why he worked on the pool. A couple more things on the pool and then he's going to start on my new office. I am SO excited. 4. My five year old just shouted "Oh no I have messed up my hair!" 5. We have the dates for our Naturalization interviews. We are SO excited. My husband said he wouldn't wear red, white, and blue on July 4th until we were citizens. So maybe this will be the year to b

Wordless Wednesday

Got to love Spring!

Curiosity Quest DVD Review (Schoolhouse Review Crew)

I am sure your kids are no different than mine, and the word "Why" is one of the most used words in your house. Well how about letting someone else answer that question. Which is what happened in my house the minute we opened these amazing DVDs from Curiosity Quest . We were sent two DVDs to watch and review DVD Combo Pack - Produce and DVD Combo Pack - Swimmers of the Sea . To say my kids loved these DVDs is an understatement. I think Little J may have watched them 10 times if not more. Although the age ranged that the DVDs are geared to is 7-14 Little J (5) had no problem understanding everything being explained on the DVD. The first DVD my kids wanted to watch was the  DVD Combo Pack - Swimmers of the Sea . There is a little story behind this. A couple of years ago when we were on vacation in Florida we were walking along the beach one night when a huge turtle came up onto the beach. We stood really still and it turned around and when back. However, later that

Duolingo - Free Language Program plus App

Duolingo I stumbled upon a really cool program I wanted to share. We only found it today and I signed everyone up for it including my husband. It's free.... yes you read that right completely free . I signed myself up for the program and completed the basic level one for Spanish (our language of choice) and then went to show Boo. I got the eye roll and sigh when I mentioned I found something for Spanish that I wanted her to try. She is SO funny (not) when I want to add something new to her schedule. Anyway I signed her up and she completed the basic level part one too. I am pleased to say she is completely hooked! I think she spent over an hour on it. Then I mentioned there was a free app, and she tried that out. After dinner I heard her say as she sat on the sofa..."I think I'll do some more Spanish". By the end of the day every one except Little J (because he can't read well enough yet) and Dad had tried it out. Dad promised to check it out tomor

Random 5 - April 11

 Random 5 1. My husband took me out on a date last night. We went to see Divergent. I am half way through book 2. The one thing I hate is when they change things from the book. If you liked the movie you HAVE to read the book. It is SO much better. (I did like the movie...just not as much as the book.) 2. I ordered Boo new piano books this week she's moving on to level 4 of her piano series. It only has 5 levels. I was a little surprised. I also ordered both of them a fun book each. They both chose the 'Rock and Roll' book. Our house will be filled with sounds of 'Great Balls Of Fire' soon because I know Boo will LOVE that one. 3. Daddy is taking Boo to a Daddy Daughter Dance Saturday night. When I said that Dad was taking her on a date she laughed and said "But Mom I can't date till I'm 16" ha ha ha. 4. The circle for the pool is finished and now I have a pile of sand next to it ready for the next step. 5. My love for A1 sauce has be

Supercharged Science e-Science Curriculum Review (Schoolhouse Review Crew)

I am not the most motivated Mom when it comes to doing science experiments. However my kids love science. My kids were very excited when they heard that we were given the opportunity to review the K-12 Level Plan of the e-Science Premium Membership of Supercharged Science a online e-Science Online Learning Program. I received a 6 month subscription K-12 which usually cost $57 per month. You can also get a K-8 subscription that costs $37 per month. Supercharged Science is the brain child of Aurora Lipper she wanted to find a way to provide excellent science education to parents and educators, and believe me this is something that she has succeeded in doing. Aurora Lipper has a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (with a Minor in Mathematics and a senior project in Rocket Science) a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. She has worked at NASA, been an instructor in University where she taught Statics, Dynamics, Engineering Systems, and loads more. Click

Victus Study Skills System Review (Schoolhouse Review Crew)

I think learning how to study is one of the most important things to learn. When we were given the chance to review The Victus Study Skills System I was really intrigued. Jam and I spent some time looking at their website and decided to give it ago. I was interested in the concept and so was he. We received the  Victus Study Skills Teacher Edition and Student Edition Workbook were soft covered and spiral bound (my favorite kind of workbook for writing in). We have been a homeschooling for about three time has flown. Jam had just finished 4th grade when we started and he has been excellent at planning his time and very motivated with his school work for the most part. I give him a daily schedule and he works out the rest. He has the choice of when to do what and it's his responsibility to make sure everything gets done by the end of the day. However I have never really sat down and taught him study skills, I guess I just took it for granted because he has always ex

Random 5 Friday April 4th 2014

1. My husband and I are going for our biometrics today. It's the next stage in our Citizenship application. We have lived in the US for 15 years. It will be exciting to finally become citizens. 2. My husband is taking Boo to a Daddy Daughter Ball next Saturday. So a dress shopping trip is also on our radar for today (and maybe new shoes too...we will have to see). 3. My sister is planning on taking the kids to an Archery Range this afternoon while my husband and I are getting our biometrics down. Hopefully it won't be too windy and cold. We have had some real bad storms here the last two days. 4. I made a new baked granola recipe yesterday, and LOVED it. I took the kids to the local Amish store (OK local is pushing it a bit as it's 15 miles away) to buy all the ingredients. My Mom just sent me the recipe she used to make when I was a maybe I will have to try that one next time. It's actually really similar so maybe I will just mix the two recipes and s