
Showing posts from 2011
  '15 Minutes Outside Challenge' Since we are following a Charlotte Mason Education using  outside time is very important in our homeschool. Jam and Boo don't really have a problem with this. They both have outside chores that get them outside and once they are there, honestly the problem is getting them back inside. These were taken last year... I told him to hurry and get his chores done (It was absolutely FREEZING) - I had to actually go outside and drag him in - taking my camera along of course. I think I am definitely going to try and get little Jam outside everyday - even it is just for 15 minutes. They enjoy doing anything outside. We even planted some spring bulbs recently. They loved making a mess  preparing the garden for spring. (You will be glad to know my grass looks completely normal again).
I just found this excellent tutorial for making homemade bug spray!! It looks really good. I will have to gather all the supplies ready for the spring. Pop over to  I can teach my child!  to see the tutorial.
We are all together today celebrating Boxing Day. Grandma really excelled herself with dessert! I will blog directions later... But here is a sample.
We had a very special visitor at our house tonight! Little Jam said "You are my Grandpa... You must be a helper Santa!"
I was given a copy of the PDF book 'Take 5' from   Kaye Hagler  in PDF format to review from  Librarything . I was very interested in reading about her ideas for building 'Critical Thinking'. After reading through her introduction there are 182- ready to use templates which the author calls 'prompts' that are ready to use or modify to individual needs.  Here's a copy of the first one: act quickly In literature, the antagonist is often seen as the bad guy or villain. The antagonist, however, isn’t always a human being. It can be anything that creates conflict with the main character. If a character gets stranded in a snowstorm, the storm can be the antagonist. The antagonist could be a disease, a temptation, an opposing team, or even yourself! If it causes a problem, then it’s probably an antagonist. you are the hero in this story. As a hero, you must battle many forces. These are your antagonists. You have just scaled the wall of a castle. It se
This Dollar Tree find was a huge hit. Jam managed to make this himself and I think is was a great craft for $1.00. Jam even hand sewed the sails on to make it extra sturdy. All in all a lot of fun. He is very proud of himself. Check out Dollar Tree as they had other kits including a race car and a Helicopter.
Check out this deal on Shade clothing If you haven't checked out their selections yet now is the time My nieces love these!! Check out their website  here
If you like  Wholly Guacamole You have to check out their coupon offer!! Like them on  facebook  and check out their Christmas coupon offer!! (yes I did just say CHRISTMAS - not holiday!!) Here's the instructions; You send us your holiday card with a self-addressed envelope WITH postage, we will send you back 2 bogo coupons ($12 value). cards must hit out office by December 15th. mail to marketing, wholly guacamole, 300 burlington road, saginaw, tx, 76179.
I just won a code for a free i-phone app from  Chorepad Unfortunately I have a droid phone / pad and so I can't use it. (My Sister in law will benefit) I am looking forward to them  hoping they bring out a Droid Version soon!!
Target is running an excellent offer for their Facebook Fans right now!! Target $10.00 off $50.00 coupon

Boo loves nature!

While checking on our new outside cat this morning Boo came across something 'amazing' (her words). A leaf had fallen in the water bowl last night and left what Boo described as a fossil :) She said "I am going have to draw it! Mom can we take a picture to keep it forever! Look at the detail Mom, It's beautiful!" .... Yes just like that without stopping to take a breath!! Got to love her.....
A day never goes by that I don't think of Heather. Today I was reminded of a poem I first heard shortly after she passed away. I wanted to share it... "I’ll lend you for a little time A child of Mine," He said. "For you to love the while she lives, And mourn for when she’s dead. It may be six or seven years Or twenty-two or three, But will you, till I call her back Take care of her for Me? She’ll bring her charms to gladden you, And should her stay be brief, You’ll have her lovely memories As solace for your grief. I cannot promise she will stay, Since all from Earth return, But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn. I’ve looked this wide world over In My search for teachers true, And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes, I have selected you; Now will you give her all your love, Nor think the labour vain, Nor hate Me when I come to call And take her back again ? I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord,
I was recently sent a copy of this book through the Library Thing  giveaway program.   Ox Cart Angel is a story of a young girl in the 1800's set in the Dakota Territory. Although at first this seems a very simple story it is full of examples of struggles and triumphs.  The book itself is well written and would be good for Adults or older children alike.  The book deals with topics like racism, loss of loved ones, and over coming adversity in a way that is very captivating. This book reminds us that life does not always end up being what we imagine or hope for, however we can endure and even enjoy the journey. A well told story that sets the stage for future adventures. This book was a free gift from the author, the content of my review was in no way influenced.  The thoughts and feelings expressed are my own.

Children's Book Review - Hogwash

Hogwash by Karma Wilson My three year old found this book at the library! He brought it to me and asked to check it out! (Yes he has his own library card) Talk about addictive!! This is by far his favorite book ever! I think I read it 10 times yesterday, not including the number of times he got his older brother and sister to read it! The humor, rhyme and excellent pictures make this a delightful fun read!! You can find it here  on Amazon. I am excited to check out other books written by Karma Wilson check out her website  here . Here is little Jam posing with our copy that has been checked out from our library for weeks I think I will have to buy our own copy soon.
Quiet Time Activities I have been searching for fun things for little Jam to do while Jam and Boo are doing there School work. I came across this  website  from Crafty Chic. There are some excellent ideas for constructive fun, easy to make and very cheap (especially because I just found a whole box of file folders while cleaning my storage area in the basement!) I will post some updates when I have made them.
Time with Grandpa The other day while Jam and Boo were at their piano lessons little Jam got a rare chance to have Grandpa all to himself. After feeding the birds The settled down to have a nice chat... about ... you know men's stuff What memories
TOYS R US  has a excellent deal on right now on the  Buzz Lightyear Operation Game It is in their weekly ad for $1.00  Yes you read that right If you sign up for Shoprunner  use this referral link This makes this deal $1.00 + tax SHIPPED If you don't want to sign up for shoprunner you can get free shipping to the store  OR Risk missing the deal by waiting till you can get into a store near you There are a lot of other offers available from Toys R Us but I stuck with the $1.00 game Let me know if you decide to take advantage of this offer!
Successful Present What do you buy a turning three year old when he only obsessions are Toy Story, Cowboys, and Hot Wheels! (Yes, and he is going to be a 'REAL' Cowboy when he grows up - however he will be the only one with 'REAL' sword) Well after wandering around Walmart  toy departments I finally stumbled upon this amazing toy Hot Wheel Wall Tracks Starter set!! What sold me was the fact it doesn't take up floor space, and I wouldn't have to be forever 'fixing' the track all day. Well roll forward to birthday morning and my Husband (directed by Boo) put it together on the wall. (I just realized the pictures are on my Husbands phone so I will have to add them later) Boo, Jam, Little Jam, Daddy and later Grandpa all enjoyed playing with this ... well who ever outgrows Hot Wheels. I am also pleased to report - a few days later that is still perfectly in place on the wall!! (This review has not been paid for in anyway - in fact I even purc
BEAM N READ giveaway  My friend at  Bejewledquilts by barb  is having a giveaway! Go check her out and sign up for her blog at the same time. She made a quilt for Boo when she was born - I just love her creations!
Always our Angel, Now our Guiding light There something about little Jam turning 3 this week that has made me reflect on my life so far.  The choices we have made and the events we did not choose but have no doubt made us who we are today. The biggest of these 'unchosen' events was loosing our Angel in 1999. Heather Elisha 1996-1999  There is not much I can say except how much we love her and miss her. What a character When she met her best friend and cousin Lauren for the first time. (dresses from Grandma) Laughing with her cousin - Only 8 weeks apart First Family portrait on a flying visit - she was so unhappy which was unusual - when we got home we found out she had strep throat Her FAVORITE toy PO from the Teletubbies Such a joker - with Grandpa M Trying out the lipstick Showing off the outfits Grandma made With some of her English Cousins The last pictures we have... My Angel - Heather