
Showing posts from January, 2015

Coming SOON Purex PowerShot Review and Giveaway 2 Winners!

I am a  Purex Insider  and sometimes get the chance to try out new Purex products. The latest product  Purex PowerShot  is an really cool product. I have a tendency to put WAY too much detergent in when I wash. Honestly who can really get 32 loads out of a normal bottle - try 15 max for me! However, with this new bottle of Purex I can finally see me keeping to the right amount of liquid! Here's a quick video of my second time using the PowerShot bottle! Of course it has the awesome cleaning power that I have come to expect from Purex just in a nifty designed bottle! I really hate having liquid leaking everywhere after putting a load in, and so far this product has lived up to it's 'mess free' claim. So if you want to win a coupon to get your own bottle as soon as they come in the store you'll want to fill out the giveaway below. I will be giving 2 lucky winners 1 coupon each - for 1 free bottle. Plus don't for get to pop over to Purex's pag

Random Friday January 30th 2015

1. This week we celebrated Heather's 19th birthday. I can't believe it's been sixteen years since she's been gone. 2. Boo and Jam had a great swim meet last Saturday. Boo dropped 18 seconds in her 100 IM and qualified for districts. She's qualified for districts in just about every race. She has two more chances to drop more seconds to qualify for championships, right now she has qualified in the 50 Fly! Jam dropped 23 seconds overall in a four of his races. It was a great day! 3. We ordered Papa Johns yesterday. The kids and my hubby were a little disappointed...we bought it for a treat with their 'superbowl' special but we all decided our home made pizza is better. 4. We made this amazing Coconut Curry Soup from Mel's kitchen on Monday I added a little more curry powder and cayenne pepper and we ate it with basmati rice. It was amazing. 5.  Do you have a family tradition. Ours seems to be making pizza on a Friday night :) ©2011-

Farfaria App Review and Giveaway

I recently had the opportunity to review the really cool reading app  FarFaria . Captain America really loves me to read him stories, which of course I love to do. However, he seriously would have me read them all day if he could. So when I heard about FarFaria I thought it would be a great app to try out while we are working on Captain reading more to himself. PLUS as a bonus I have a 3 month subscription for you to win! First of all this app works on Android and iPhones so it doesn't matter if you have an Android loving husband like mine or a Apple one like my brother, you can use this app on either. The app is really easy to get around. In fact I never looked at it until Captain had been using it for a week or so. There is a huge variety of books to choose from. They are divided into different topics animals, classics, fairytales, adventure, and bedtime. It's set up like a cool map, Captain calls it his treasure map. Which of course I think is cool because books o

PawdPet is the cuddly answer to your Phone/Pad protection! Help Support the KickStarter

Everyone in my house has a pad including the 6 year old. In fact Captain has been through three pads in the last 18 months. So when I heard about a cute way to store and hold his pad I was really interested. Have you heard about Kickstarter ? It's a cool way to raise money to get a project of the ground.  PawdPet is a fun innovated product that can help save your pad or phone from the bumps and drops that can happen so easily when kids use electronic devices. I showed these to my kids and honestly Boo and Captain were awestruck. Boo (12) was oohing and ahhing over them and Captain thought they were awesome. Think of a protective product with the appeal of a cute cuddly toy. There is a little magnetic belly which holds your pad or phone tight, and then a padded soft pocket to slip it into while walking around. Each PawdPet comes with a handle so the child can carry it around with the ease of a bag. With your support, PawdPet's will be able to cover the cost

The Joy is worth the pain

Nineteen years ago today I became a Mom for the first time. My daughter was born weighing 6lb and 1oz after a very quick induced birth. I had to have a blood transfusion and realized that gas and air (readily available in English hospitals) was one of my best friends. We realized straight away that our life would never be the same. I remember that before Heather was born we had decided that we would never use a pacifier however, before my husband came to see me the next morning (no all night visitors in the English dormitory style hospital rooms) I insisted that he bring one with him! However three years, nine months, and six days later our lives changed again forever. Our little angel was called home. My husband and I have talked at length and both completely agree, we would do it again. The blessings she brought into our lives was worth the pain and heartache of missing her. If I was told now that I could have her but only for a short time, I would jump at the chance. She came

Super Bright Rim Lights - Personalized LED Colorful - Review

I was recently sent a cool review from Good Stuff  from Tomoson and it shipped from  Amazon . My kids really love to cycle and as they are getting older sometimes they have to cycle as it's getting dark. In fact bike lights are important. These lights are really fun and practical at the same time. I received a pack of six lights which was perfect because the kids each got two (one on each wheel). The lights were pretty easy to install. They actually fit on the tire valve stem. I just took off the little black covers and put some little extension on the light and screwed them onto the value stem. It literally took two seconds - well it did on the bike that I could undo, my husband had to undo the black covers off one of the bikes. Jam, Boo, and Captain were really excited when I told them I wanted to video them cycling in the dark. We don't have any street lights and it's really dark so it was the perfect place to try out the lights. They look really cool, and

Sunday afternoon English pancakes

When my husband and I lived in Wales, we used to on occasion go to a friends house on a Sunday evening.  They had a tradition every Sunday 'pancakes' but not just any kind - English ones. They are similar to French crepes but the lemon juice and sugar are what make them special. Here's the recipe- English Pancakes 4oz All purpose Flour 1 egg 10oz of milk Pinch of salt In a 8 inch frying pan this makes 5 pancakes when using a 1/2 cup measure for each one. (We normally make 3x of this mixture for 5 people) Wisk all ingredients together. Heat up a shallow frying pan and a touch of oil (vegetable oil) Flip over when the bottom side is speckled with heat spots or slightly brown. While still hot sprinkle with sugar and drench (that may just be us) with lemon juice! Roll up and eat with a fork - PERFECT!  My husband only uses oil on the first pancake. After that if you have a good non-stick pan you may find that you don't need it after that. We don't have these

Random Five Friday January 23rd 2015

This has been a crazy week. 1. Jam fell over our little trampoline and has a really ugly looking toe. It affects his walk but not him swimming :) which is good because we have a swim meet this weekend and he is hoping to drop some time. 2. The kids had Martin Luther King Day off school this week. We don't usually but they had a sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa and then went to the movies. They had a blast. They love hanging out with them. 3. The kids have just found  Home Improvement  it's funny to see all the old shows again. 4. We have SO many cool reviews in process at the moment. You will really like some of them. 5. We are in a little homeschool group (really low key just like I love) basically we just get together once a month for a field trip. Today we went to a neighboring town to visit a couple of local museums. We had great fun! ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not

Random Five Friday January 16th 2015

1. It's been a great week! It's a really good feeling to have reviews coming in again. We received our first review in the mail, and we listened to it today! I can't wait to dig into the study guide. The kids really enjoyed  In Freedom's Cause . 2. Jam and I cleaned the Church today together. He was such a gentleman and cleaned the bathrooms. We worked super fast...the fact we had a zoo trip planned was a huge incentive. 3. Today after all the freezing weather, we had one of those January blessing days where it hit 55 degrees. So I don't know what you do on days like that...but we go to the zoo. 4. Perfect day. We saw baby penguins and baby kangaroos. Grandma and Grandpa dropped everything to come and my sister came too. 5. Tomorrow is quite exciting. In our church kids don't go to dances until they are 14. Tomorrow Jam is going to his first dance. It's going to be a fun evening. ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved

Reese's Peanut Butter Spread - Yummy Review

I was sent a jar of  Reese's Spreads  from  Influenster . The kids were really excited. I mean who doesn't like peanut flavored chocolate. (Well except Captain - but he's just an exception in our house - and a white chocolate man). So I had to whip up some our favorite Banana Oat Muffins (with chocolate). These were awesome! ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author

Random Five Friday January 9th 2015

1. Today was pizza day and movie night. We love pizza but prefer to make it ourselves and become quite a dab hand at it. I make the crust and hubby puts on the toppings etc. We have it down to a fine art! 2. Our favorite toppings are pepperoni and onion (for Captain America and Boo) and Chicken Bar-be-Cue and jalapenos or pepperoni, onion and jalapenos for everyone else. 3. I have always had really short ugly nails so when I was out today with my Jamberry's on and I got a compliment on my nails I was amazed! I am having a Jamberry party on Facebook and my consultant Ellen Pool  has been awesome! 4. It has been a great week of school. Boo studied all about Niagara Falls  and how people would go over the side in barrels. It'd funny because we took them there and rode on the Maid of the Mist when they were younger but of course they can't remember anything except the pictures. 5. Captain America was really sad this week as his Nexus 7 died. We had purchased the prot

Word Up Video - The FUN way to learn Latin and Greek word roots {A Review}

Jam and Boo have been learning Latin for a few years now. They have lessons on Skype with their Nana in England. It all started with out visit to England. We did a lot of travelling and every now and again Nana would say 'did you know that word comes from the Latin word meaning'. After a while I thought that Nana seemed to really liked talking to the kids about Latin roots. Since the kids don't see their Nana and Grandpa as often as we would like I asked Nana if she would like to teach the kids via Skype. We got hold of the same book and BOOM! Latin lessons every Monday morning were born. When I was approached by  Compass Classroom  to review the first volume of their Latin and Greek videos  Word-UP The Vocab Show  I was really excited. To say this was a hit is an understatement. All three of my kids love it. In fact the first week or two anyone who arrived at the house was forced to watch at least one episode! After that they normally watched more very willingly

Garcinia Cambogia Extract 85 % HCA Complex-2 - REVIEW

Over Christmas I was sent some pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract and Pure Raspberry Ketones to try from Summit Nutrition's. Here's what Summit Nutrition's have to save about their product. WHY SUMMIT NUTRITIONS GARCINIA CAMBOGIA? - Our Garcinia Cambogia is 100% Natural, it is extracted only from the natural source (Not synthesized in lab) by using natural water(Scientifically Developed Patented Extraction Method), a traditional Ayurveda method by eliminating the use of harsh solvent like alcohol, acetone etc. 85% HCA MAXIMUM STRENGHT FORMULA - Summit Nutritions Garcinia Cambogia has more than 85% HCA complex which includes real and legitimate (Third party Tested in US according to standardization of USP/NF) approximate 72% (-) HCA and its in stabilized form with complex of natural lactones of HCA, Citric Acid and Mineral of Natural calcium NATURAL SOURCE OF CALCIUM - It also serve as source of natural calcium since the calcium is from the plant itself in is natural f

Random Five Friday - January 2nd

Happy New Year 1. I missed my random five last week. Mainly because I was busy celebrating boxing day with my family.  2. We had a great Christmas. Usually we get together with my extended family on Christmas Eve. However, due to the fact we could have EVERYONE together for the first time in quite a few years. It was worth waiting until Boxing Day.  3. My brother in-law has just published a book on Amazon. It's the first of three. I read it last week and really enjoyed it. My Boo has just finished it and she really liked it too! Now Jam is reading it.  Stand Alone  is about a girl name Charli. She has one unique characteristic - she can't lie. It's is a good mix of supernatural, good vs evil. I can't wait to read the next two books! 4. We ended up with an impromptu movie night tonight. We don't do sleep-overs so the kids think it's fun when they can have pizza, popcorn, and a movie with friends until 10pm! 5. Friday night for me is a nig

Goals for the New Year

I hate New Year Resolution's. However, that doesn't mean I don't want to improve myself, I just don't think it's necessary to make a huge deal every January 1st. As a family we watched a awesome movie recently called 'When the Game Stands Tall". After the movie we had a discussion about the catchphrase as such from the movie 'make a perfect effort'. I really like the concept.  We all know we can't be perfect.  However we can make a perfect effort.  If we do this, even if we fail we can feel good about everything we do. So I know a lot of people have been talking about a 'word' for 2015 but we have a phrase or moto so to speak. "Make a Perfect Effort". Here's to a good 2015! Happy New Year!