
Showing posts from July, 2012

Charlotte Mason Narrations, Shakespeare, and Librivox

We have been doing verbal narrations all year, with a few sporadic written ones mixed in. Our latest 'narrations' my kids didn't even realize (I don't think) that they were actually doing school work. On Friday we drove to the airport to pick up Grandpa for a flying visit and of course the kids were arguing trying to decide what music to listen too. Finally they agreed on Lambs Shakespeare (I know makes Mom proud).  We downloaded our copy from  you can directly to Lambs Shakespeare  here  Karen Savage does an excellent job. We listened to 'Taming of the Shrew' and 'Twelfth Night' the latter finishing just as we pulled into the airport. On our journey home the kids told Grandpa about the stories they had listened too. Boo narrated 'Taming of the Shrew" and Jam narrated 'Twelfth Night' they did an excellent job and remember a lot of detail and names - I was very impressed! I was a little worried that t


Well things here are going full speed ahead and that normally means change. The first step is the giving away of our Rabbit's and Chickens. We gave them to a friend who has a little farm  so they will be well taken care of. (Boo's highest priority!) The chickens went with very little effort. It was hilarious seeing Jam still afraid of them after years. He was in AWE with how my friend just reached in and grabbed two chickens, one in each hand without flinching. The following day my friend came back with an army to get our rabbits! We only had three; Mom, Dad, and baby. However my Husband had built the rabbit hutch in our yard and it was HEAVY our gate was also not big enough to take it out easily. SO we had a huge group of people lift it - yes literally lift it over our chain link fence. It was crazy. In the next three pictures you can see how easy  it went. 1. Position it... 2. Lift with out breaking the fence.... 3. Let go without smashing it on the other s


We have recently added a fun activity to our school day. It is commonly known as 'lap-booking' and it has been a HUGE hit. The kids love it. There a places online where you can get a ton of free lap-books  here  is an excellent resource. However one of my favorite sources is  A Journey through learning  this is an excellent source for lap-books. Their Apologia lap-books for the Elementary Series are currently on sale for $8.00! I purchased all of these a couple of weeks ago. We are working through the Land Animals book. Boo has commented a lot that she thinks the lap-books are helping her remember the work. This is a photo of Boo with the lap-book she made about Primates. This came from the Apologia lap-book for Land Animals of Sixth Day.