
Showing posts from March, 2014

Spelling You See - Jack and Jill (Level B) Review (Schoolhouse Review Crew)

Little J has really been hitting the jackpot with our reviews so far this school year. We have had some great stuff and  Spelling You See definitely did not disappoint. If you think the name sounds familiar you would be right. Spelling You See is produced by the same company that produces the infamous home-school math program Math-U-See. Little J knows all of his alphabet and letter sounds and has been really doing well with his reading program so although he is only five and if he was going to public school wouldn't be in Kindergarten till August I decided to try  Spelling You See - Jack and Jill Level B with him instead of  Spelling You See Listen and Write Level A and I am so glad that we did. Little J has seriously loved this curriculum I can't wait to see how he improves as we work through both books. The Spelling You See founders have the philosophy that to learn to spell requires learning things in a certain order, in the same way as we learn to walk. The

Random 5 March 29 2014

1.This week has felt like a blur...I have been down with a cold and just managed to get the mandatory stuff done so I completely missed my wordless Wednesday post. Which is really sad because I have started to really enjoy them. 2. I like to help solve problems. I like to help people. It really hurts my heart to see people I love going through something knowing I can't really help. Just saying... 3. Little J finished his Red Cross level 3 preschool swim lessons. He did an awesome job and they told me he is ready for Red Cross Level 2 - non preschool levels called 'Learn to Swim'. Which is excellent as we have started to level the ground for our above ground pool. It's really hard work, and I am SO glad that my husband is such a hard worker. 4. I bought Mrs Meyers hand and body soap by mistake this week instead of the liquid soap. Major fail as I wanted it to make homemade cleaning solutions. Well at least my hands will enjoy it. I may even try it as bubble bath or

Random 5 Friday March 21

1. I feel like the only home school Mom who doesn't give their kids spring break? Well we did go to the zoo today for a field trip...that counts as spring break right? 2. We have been working on a selection of reviews this week, Little J has been hitting the jackpot so far this year. It's great to be working on school work when a five year old asks to do it and reminds you everyday. 3. Little J wants a bow tie... 4. Jam and Boo are just about to the end of their winter swim season. It is amazing to see the improvement. I can remember the first time Jam was a long time ago. This was one of his first lessons. He loved that they let him go off the diving board. Then we did swim team for a year but the 30 minute drive to practice drove me crazy. He was SO cute in those jammers. It's great we only have to drive 5 minutes to practice now, especially since we now swim four times and week. 5. We seem to have a cold/flu going around our house. Jam and I tho

Wordless Wednesday

Almost wordless... This is how we spend almost every evening.

Random 5 Friday March 14 2014

1. Last Sunday it felt like spring had sprung! It's been typical spring weather all week jumping from hot to cold. Luckily today it is warm and the kids are enjoying another afternoon playing outside with friends. 2. It's spring break for our local school district, they get quite a few days off despite the snow days. Do you talk a break for spring? We normally just work on through unless we are going away. 3. I am SO glad it's Friday I haven't slept in past 6 for 10 days...tomorrow NO ALARMS. The change in the clock really messes me up. I hope I can sleep in or else I may cry. 4. We are working on some really great school stuff this week. Jam and Little J are working with a new program called CTC Math . Both of them are really enjoying it. Jam is working on Basic Math and Pre-Algebra which is there program designed for 7th grade. Little J is working on Kindergarten. This week he has covered the first three units in Number, Pattern, and Algebra - yes that's Alg

Wordless Wednesday March 12 2014

©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author Amazing Science Volume 1 - Review (Schoolhouse Review Crew)

We love science and DVDs so when we had the opportunity to review and their Amazing Science - Volume 1 DVD Little J and I were very excited. Little J loves being able to watch TV however I try to limit it as much as possible to documentary's and educational programs. Luckily for the most part Little J complies, and Amazing Science definitely did not disapoint. The DVD is designed to help children grades 1-3 to learn science in a fun and visual way. Little J is in Kindergarten and loves it however, my older two are 13 and 11 and they love it too. If you buy this DVD expect everyone in your house to enjoy it! We even shared it with our friends that we do science with and they loved it too! A couple of Saturdays ago My husband and older kids went out rock hunting, and I had a meeting at home. So I popped in this DVD and Little J watch 11 experiments by the time I was done, and believe me he would have watched it for a lot longer. We have watched t

Random 5 Friday March 7

Random Five  1. The sun has been shining for the last two days! Maybe SPRING is on it's way!!!!!!! 2. Dad and I took Little J on a walk last night. We took some apples along and fed some horse. Little J loved it. (Yes those are ostrich's in the background). 3. Little J started swimming lessons again this week. He is now doing Red Cross level 3 preschool.  4. I had had a House Party today for Sister Shuberts Bread . It was great. I had some friends come and a couple brought their kids (they home school too) However then we found out it was early out so the other friend that came brought her kids too, it was SO much fun. In fact with the weather being so warm 3 of the kids decided to stay longer and play outside...I love it when it's warm enough to get outside. (Bonus - My hubby is taking down the Christmas lights...OK OK I know it's March but it has been seriously cold)! 5. Some of you know that Little J has Amblyopia . He has to work on a

Wordless Wednesday

I was sent this picture today from one of my Italian learners. ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author

Motivated Moms Ebooks Review - HomeschoolReviewCrew

I was given the opportunity to review a planner type e-book from  Motivated Moms . Motivated Moms is a chore planning system designed to help 'Moms' to have a clean, organized home and fit in all the fun things that you want to do. The planning system is available as a downloadable e-book, and an app for iPhone/iPad/iPod or Android . I reviewed the Motivated Moms printable e-book system . The program is designed as a simple checklist. The idea is to refer to the list daily, check of each item as you complete it, BOOM instant organization. Motivated Moms have a motto: Make Every Day Count! Hopefully with the help of this e-book I will be able to do that this year! OK so that's the theory, what is the reality- well at least in my home. I found this program a little overwhelming at first, seriously. The list seemed longer than I could ever fit in my schedule. I work from home (15-20 hours a week), home-school my kids, run the organization for 12-18 Young Wo

First Day March 1st

I completely forgot about my first day pictures...luckily I took three pictures. So I am going to add them anyway. My older kids have decided that they need more practice with soft serve ice-cream. Little J asked us to learn out the lights because his ice-cream was melting. Check out some more first day posts over at Journey To Josie . ©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author