
Showing posts from May, 2012


William Blake Poetry As some of you know we are using  Ambleside  as our main homeschool curriculum. Boo has just finished a semester reading the poems of William Blake which she really enjoyed. A week ago I asked her to think about all the poems she had read and then see if she could choose a favorite. She thought that this would be really hard, and since I also asked her to copy the poem in her narrations book I was also worried she would end up choosing the shortest rather than truly choosing her favorite. Yesterday Boo started quoting her poem, in a singsong fashion and was so excited that she could remember most of it. By the end of the day she had quoted it to everyone who would sit still long enough to listen, including little Jam -- well he didn't sit still but she followed him around saying..."Do you want to listen to my favorite poem". She even walked around the grocery store saying the poem out loud with a HUGE smile on her face.  What a plea


Our new Sun Room My husband has been working really hard lately to fulfill one of my whims. Just over a month ago I said "Wouldn't it be great to have a sun room or a covered deck?"   Anyway fast forward and a lot of hard work later we are the proud owners of a new addition to our house. OK so here's a quick (looks so much easier in pictures) rundown of what my AMAZING, MARVELOUS, WONDERFUL husband did! That water bottle was refilled A LOT. A very willing helper! He loved any excuse to get on the roof! Look at our new furniture! These boards were all nailed down - he took them up and turned them over then put a clear varnish on them.  This is the new FAVORITE room. Jam's favorite place to do his work. Of course I always knew my husband can do anything he sets his mind too. I can count the times we have called a workman out or paid someone to do something for us on one h

Pizza Book it Program

    My kids love that we can participate in this program as homeschoolers. The sign up day is today. So go to  as soon as you can as it is done on a first come basis.  The thing I like best about this program is that YOU set the goals. If you have kids that read like crazy (mine do) then you can ask a lot of them to earn their pizza. If your kids struggle or are just starting out (this program is for ages 5-12) then your goal can be smaller! My kids look forward to their pizza every month! That reminds me ... I think it's pizza for lunch we have our last coupons to use from last year.