
Showing posts from February, 2012
Happy Pancake Day Today we are following the age old tradition of celebrating Pancake day. My kids are very excited and following in good homeschool style we are turning our celebrations into a learning experience. I found a fun article  Flipping mad ten surprising pancake facts  in the UK Mirror newspaper.  10 Fun Facts 1. The first recorded pancake race was in Olney, Buckinghamshire in England in 1445. 2. The first pancake recipe appeared in an English cookbook in the 15th century. And it’s a tradition that continues all over England. It is said to have originated in Olney as a housewife was so busy making pancakes that she forgot the time. When she heard the church bells ringing for mass she ran out of her house, still carrying her pan and pancake. Olrney still has a pancake race every year. 3. The largest number of pancakes tossed in the shortest amount of time is 349 tosses in two minutes, which was achieved by Dean Gould at Felixstowe, Suffolk in 1995. 4. The longest race
Happy Valentine's Day We had a bit of a crazy night last night little Jam had a pretty rough night... which of course means that my hubby and I also had a rough night. In the wee hours of the morning we were spending some 'quality' time together cleaning up after our three year old. Definitely not how I envisioned starting off Valentine's Day! Anyway after only having a couple of hours of sleep (I started work at 4am).  I thought that may be I should have got my kids something cute for Valentines. (I think 4am is a bit late for this) After checking a couple of my emails I opened one from  Beverly Hernandez  from she sent an email with links to some fun Valentine activities that I could quickly put together and make my kids think I had prepared for this (at least before 4am). This is what I did for today; Valentine coupon book for kids   This Video or show coupon is VERY valuable in our house as we don't watch a lot of TV Head ove
Happy Birthday Charles Dickens I know I have mentioned the Google doodles before but today is one of my favorites!!
English Things we miss If you would have asked us thirteen years ago when we first moved to the US from England our list would have been extremely long, but over the years we have realized that there are only so many English things we can truly not live without!  1. Of course has to be family and friends. We have just returned home to the U.S and it has been very sad to leave behind so many people. However all are welcome to visit and or Skype   and Tango  as often as possible. (and hopefully it will not be 13 years before we head back over the sea) 2. Has to be FOOD this list has truly become quite short but very important. Things like  HP Sauce ,  Branston Pickle ,  Colman's Mustard ,  Biscuit Boost  (my favorite) or  Twirl  my husband's favorite!!  Monster Munch  are also a favorite!!     We also decided during this last visit that  Pork pie's  were so yummy we had to make some when we got home.  So watch this space as they are in the oven thanks to my darling husban