Sunya - The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Multiplying & Dividing {TOS REVIEW}

We have recently had the chance to play a game so new it's not even available yet. Sunya - The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Multiplying and Dividing. This is a very unique game that helps memorization of multiplication and division from Sunya Publishing
I played this game with Jam and Boo as it is designed for ages 9 and up. For this review we received;
- Game book
- Sixty playing cards
- Multiplying and Division number line
- 30 fact and riddle cards
The riddle cards are super fun!
The inventor/author has a bachelor's degree from John Carroll University and a master's degree from Barry University. He has worked in teaching.
The game itself is fun educational game. We enjoyed playing it even though it took a couple of tries before we got a hang of it.
Sunya (the "u" is pronounced as "oo" in "book") is from the Sanskrit language which is an ancient and classical Indian language. The word means empty or void which makes complete sense because the person to get rid of all their cards and call 'Sunya' wins the game.
This is definitely a game you will want to play with your kids. Captain tried to play with us but his multiplication and division skills need a little work for him to play comfortably so we solved the problem by him joining one of us on our team. That way he heard the math facts and even started to come up with a few simple ones of his own like 2 X 3 = 6.
To play you set up a number sentence framework choosing whether the game will be a division or multiplication. They then make a number sentence (not using 1,0, or wild cards). Then deals every player 4 cards each. The first player begins a turn by drawing a card. The player than looks at the number sentence and sees if they can make a new number sentence. Play continues with each player taking turns until someone runs out of cards and shouts 'Sunya'. It's a fun game and even had me checking my math facts.
Some of the crew reviewed a younger addition and subtraction version of the game. So make sure to check out the additional reviews on the link below.

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