Random 5 Friday March 7

Random Five 

1. The sun has been shining for the last two days! Maybe SPRING is on it's way!!!!!!!

2. Dad and I took Little J on a walk last night. We took some apples along and fed some horse. Little J loved it. (Yes those are ostrich's in the background).

3. Little J started swimming lessons again this week. He is now doing Red Cross level 3 preschool.

 4. I had had a House Party today for Sister Shuberts Bread. It was great. I had some friends come and a couple brought their kids (they home school too) However then we found out it was early out so the other friend that came brought her kids too, it was SO much fun. In fact with the weather being so warm 3 of the kids decided to stay longer and play outside...I love it when it's warm enough to get outside. (Bonus - My hubby is taking down the Christmas lights...OK OK I know it's March but it has been seriously cold)!

5. Some of you know that Little J has Amblyopia. He has to work on a computer therapy program. It has been like pulling teeth lately to get him to do it willingly. Seriously, I thought I was going to lose my mind! Little J solved the problem himself. This week he asked if he could listen to an audio book while doing it. It was awesome, no more crying and everyone is happy. So far he has listened to the BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and, George's Marvelous Medicine. Today we started the Great Glass Elevator...can you tell who is a favorite here!

Don't forget to pop over to The Pebble Pond.

The Pebble Pond

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