Blogging Through The Alphabet - E is for Essential Oils

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When I was in collage studying Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (in England it's a three year full time course) I studied reflexology and aromatherapy my during my last year.

I loved essential oils, but then I changed careers and spent time in the Civil Service in the legal field (I realized I was not made to stand on my feet all day).

Well it's been a few years and I finally found my way back to my love of essential oils, and I recently became an affiliate of Spark Naturals.It was sparked by my interest in using more natural products. I don't like medicine and my husband and I agreed to look into it. The first oil blend that caught my eye was their LLP Allergy Blend I joined the Oil of the Month Club to specifically try out this blend (Oil of the Month for April). I can tell you I have loved it.

I have very severe allergies and over the years it has made it very difficult for me to go outside in the spring and the fall, without sneezing my head off or itching my eyes till they swell up like crazy. This year I have taken an allergy tablet maybe 3 times (when I was going to be out ALL day at a social event for my husband's job) The rest of the time I have managed my allergies by diffusing or topically applying LLP. LLP is made up of a blend of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oil.

This year I have loved that I can replace things like bug spray, heat rub, and allergy medicine. I can't wait to continue adding to my collection. Two of the simplest ways to use oils are;

1. Diffuse
2. Add to carrier oil and put in a roller bottle or pump bottle.

There are so many things I have to learn, and I feel like a novice but it's very fun! Of course there are lots of different companies selling oils. Just make sure you order from one you can trust, and make sure of the purity. If you want to learn more about Essential Oils I recently heard about a free course that you can take over at Aromahead Institute.

Check out what other people are linked up about the letter E over at Ben and Me

Ben and Me

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  1. This diffusing is what mystifies me with using Essential Oils. I have bought several and they sit in their pretty amber bottles. I think it is really hard to find concrete information on what exactly to do with them.

    1. I love diffusing it really is the way to get the best value out of your oils! If you want to learn more you can go and take a free course :)

  2. I've wanted to try some more EOs but just haven't taken the step of actually buying any. I used some years ago and had pleasant experiences. I'm highly affected by smells so I have to be picky with what ones I choose. One of my favorite smelling EO is lemon verbena (spelling?).

    1. I joined the oil of the month club for that very reason! It's the cheapest way I could build up my selection! The fact the LLP worked so well for me was a HUGE bonus! That's when I signed up as an affiliate, I rave about these oils ALL the time because they work for me!


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