Random Five Friday - September 12 2014

1. I feel like I have been living at the pool lately. However, it's been worth it Captain America is really coming along. I can't believe just last week I was worried if he would do his length. Now he can do backstroke (not perfectly but awesome for a 5 year old) and he's working on Butterfly - he can already do this stroke better than I can. The video I took shows a little clip.

2. We are closing the pool down this weekend. It's going to be said but today was REALLY cold.

3. I have a whole bunch of book reviews I will be posting soon - sitting by the pool for 90 minutes four days a week does have some advantages.

4. My kids have their Primary Presentation this Sunday. Once a year the primary organization give talks and sing all of the songs they have been learning all year. Captain America has his part memorized as does Boo. I can't believe this will be Boo's last one. As by the time next year comes she will be 12 and in Young Womens.

5. We made pizza again tonight. Barbecue chicken and pineapple is our speciality. It's Yummy.

The Pebble Pond

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