Random Five Friday September 19 2014

 1. We took a day off this week and went to the zoo with Grandma. It was a lovely day. Definitely worth the trip. The zoo is our favorite field trip. We have a season pass and try to go every month. The boat was still open so it was a real treat.

2. Captain America has taken to the water like a fish. Tonight the were doing time trials (they do these once a month) and after he had swam 5 lots of 25 yards I had to decide he was done. He looked SO tired, and yet would have kept on going. He has been sleeping like a log, and eating a lot more since swimming started. I LOVE IT!

3. We have been watching a Harry Potter most nights this week. My older kids LOVE them. Captain America of is always packed off to bed before we start.

4. Captain America has been playing Skoolbo he really likes it. Although it says it's common core I haven't found anything unusual in it yet. Just reading and simple math for him. If you want to sign up do so before Sept 30th as it is free until then. You can sign up as a Homeschool even though it says for schools (I clarified that on their facebook page).

5. Benefits of spending a lot of time sat at the swimming pool - I have time to read books! I love to read but always felt guilty, because I have so many other things pulling at my time. The good thing is that while sat at the pool, I can't do any of them. So I read my books, and watch my kids - I love it.

The Pebble Pond

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  1. We are Harry Potter fans here as well. We don't let my "little one" watch any but the first three movies. I used to read while waiting for the girls to have piano lessons. I need to make more time to read.


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