Grown-Up Coloring Book Heroines of the Old Testament Coloring Book Review

For the last couple of weeks I have been 'coloring'. There is a huge trend at the moment with coloring books for Adults. I must admit I have been enjoying this over the last few weeks.

I was offered a copy of Heroines of the Old Testament to review and believe me I have had a blast.

The coloring book features 10 women from the Old Testament. The first woman featured is of course Eve, Queen Esther, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah, Ruth, and Hannah

The designs are amazing, full of Geometric Patterns, Portraits, Animals, Plants.

I even lost this book for a few days, I couldn't understand where it went as I always keep it with my other books and office supplies. Eventually I asked my kids if the knew where Mom's coloring book was...I know that sounds funny doesn't it. Well, I noticed Boo went a little quiet and the came to me with the book. She has 'borrowed' it and been coloring in it. She reminded me that I had said she could but I had completely forgotten - she hadn't though.

I started coloring using my colored pencils. It was great I needed to step it up a little and got hold of some gel pens. The designs popped and I loved it!

Seriously once you get a look at the pictures you will be able to see why.

I don't have a lot of time to color but I must admit I really think that what people are saying is true...coloring is very relaxing.

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