Ozobot Party Thanks to Tryazon

Friday was a huge success! We had our Ozobot party thanks to Ozobot and Tryazon. I invited a lot of people, some didn't make it but we still had a great time.

Tryazon sent us some Ozobots to share with friends and to learn how to use them. It was a blast, all of the kids loved using them. I asked my kids to play with them before the party and Captain loved it. He sat for an hour drawing routes and maps for the Ozobot. They charge quickly (it's a good job).

Everyone who came to the party had a great time. I also had a friend Skype in because she was sick. Her kids really liked it, and I think they may be getting on for Christmas.

So not only did my guests get to play with an Ozobot but I also gave one as a prize for a lucky winner. If you have checked out my social media lately you can see the winner's happy smiling face!

We really loved these little robots. I will try and do a video soon to post on my YouTube Channel. You can pick these up from Toys R US and Barnes and Noble.

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