HOPEFUL by Shelley Shepard Gray | Win a copy! Plus my Review

 HOPEFUL by Shelley Shepard Gray | Win a copy!

Enter Today - 2/4-2/23!
Shelley Shepard Gray Hopeful

Welcome to the blog tour for Hopeful, the first book in Shelley Shepard Gray's new series, Return to Sugarcreek. Critics have already given their thumbs up for Hopeful: “Lovable characters and a good story, full of romance and suspense . . . a must read." (Library Journal)

Enter to win one of FIVE copies of the book. 
Five winners will receive:
  • Hopeful by Shelley Shepard Gray
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on February 23rd. All winners will be announced February 24th at Shelley's blog.

Enter today and be sure to visit Shelley's blog on the 24th to see if YOU won one of the books!

I jumped at the chance to read this Amish fiction book, and read it I did...in less than 24 hours. I loved it. The main character Miriam Zehr from Sugarcreek is lonely. What she wants is a man to want to marry her. It looks for a time that her dream will come true when Junior the man she has secretly loved since school approaches her. She is disappointed to find out that he only wants to use her to get to know her friend Mary Kathryn Hershberger. Mary is new in town and seems to have run away from her past. She teaches school begrudgingly and seems a little harsh on her students. Miriam is loved by everyone and is always willing to help. However due to being a little overweight she has no confidence. Her kindness and love has made her loved by everyone, including Juniors little sister. But will it be enough to win the heart of Junior and can they both help Mary Kathryn Hershberger before it's too late?

If you love Amish fiction this is a great read. It covers a variety of topics, reading struggles, self worth, kindness, orphans, and of course love. This book is well written and kept me reading, and reading. I couldn't put it down until I was done...and then it left me wanting the next book.

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