Random Five Friday 2/21/14

Random Five 

I love it when the sun is shining and the weather looks like spring is coming - I hope it's not just teasing me.

1. I need to find a cute dress in grey for three girls aged 8 - 11 any ideas would be welcome.

2. Tuesday this week was beautiful here. We planned a Zoo trip with the cousins and it was perfect.

3.This week my husband and Jam trimmed our trees. Little J helped out for about two minutes and then got carried away playing with the melting ice.

 4. I am so excited, I will be posting my first two reviews next week (both for my 5 year old). I can't choose a favorite Little J loved both of them. Come back next week to read more!

5. Saturday morning we cooked our Valentine's breakfast. It was a spur of the moment thing. I cooked a fresh strawberry sauce, and hubby made french toast out of some crusty bread we had. Little J was sad at first because he wanted pancakes. However after taking a couple of bites he decided it was better than plain old pancakes.

Check out more randomness over at The Pebble Pond.

The Pebble Pond
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