SmartKidz Media {TOS Review}

SmartKidz Media Review

Captain loves watching documentaries. He can remember fun random facts when he does. In fact last summer when my niece was visiting she said that she normally doesn't believe little kids when they say random facts, but Captain is always right, even if it sounds crazy. So I like to find new things for him to watch during his TV time. I was offered a full year subscription to SmartKidz Media Library for Homeschoolers from SmartKidz Media.

SmartKidz Media is a producer and distributor of award-winning educational e-books, interactive study guides, music, and other media designed specifically for the home-school student.

As I mentioned before Captain is an amazing audio/visual learner. Sometimes his memory seems almost photographic when it comes to things he has watched. He can recall facts of documentaries he has only watched once, it's really cool. So although we don't watch TV as such I do like to use his love of documentaries and audio books to my advantage. We have really loved SmartKidz Media. All of my kids have their own laptops and pads and this has been used in their free time. I have really let the kids loose on the website.  My older two are 14 and 12 and so it's great to give them access to a online website where I don't have to worry about content.

Some of the topics covered are;

Animal and Wildlife
Social Studies
World Cultures
World Cultures
Fine Arts
Baby Signing
Music - Including Classical, Cultural and Relaxation
Plus a Fun Zone where the kids (especially Captain liked to play games)

Each of my kids have a major program on their computer so they can't just search for anything, plus YouTube is blocked as well. However, it was really easy to add this website to the program and because it doesn't go through YouTube it works great. Each of my kids have a short cut on their screen and we share login information. Normally only one of them is on the website at a time but I am pretty sure Boo and Captain have both used it at the same time, so I am not sure if there is a limit on screens, but I think two are OK.

When you log into the website you come to a screen with lots of choices.

At the top of the screen you can see lots of tabs, each of these are clickable and will take you to the content listed. Captains favorite are the animal videos, he's definitely watched a lot of them. In fact he was sad that he couldn't watch them during our drive last week. He definitely wants WIFI in the car.

There are so many topics it's hard to tell you about everything. I even found some videos for me.

There are a lot of additions coming including some American History videos that I can't wait to watch.

Boo loved the classical music and the arts section. We loved having the art and music ones playing almost as a screen saver on our living room TV that is hooked up to a computer. We could be cooking dinner or coloring at the table. The music of the featured composer plays while pictures of the artist come up on the screen. Each picture is on the screen for a few minutes before changing to the next. I loved all of these and it's a great way to combine music and art appreciation.

Captain likes the fun zone. There are an assortment of games and puzzles to play.

I found the Stand-Up Comedy Sitting Down quite amusing.

Captain likes the puzzles. I like them too - no missing pieces! Where in the world are we is my favorite one. The map can be split into 24, 12, or 6 pieces and then when it's put back together you have to try and identify where it is. Clues are given but it can be quite a challenge.

This is one of them - can you tell where it is?

The kids and I both loved this resource and I know we will get lots of use out of it over the next year. If you like the sound of it they offer a 14 day free trial. I love that there are no adverts, that's a huge plus for me as that's the main reason I don't have TV - I hate adverts!

Link up with the company via social media below and don't forget to see what others thought about it by clicking on the link below!


SmartKidz Media Review

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