A+ Interactive Math - Math Mini-Courses {TOS Review}

Boo and Captain have been working on the Math Mini-Courses from A+ Interactive Math. Although they don't really have any gaps in their learning but sometimes it's handy to focus on an area or two that might be a little harder than others.

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

We had the opportunity to review two of the Math Mini-Courses offered by A+ Interactive Math.

Captain has been working on Early Elementary Fractions. This course has 10 lessons and is suitable for grades 1-3.

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

Boo has been worked on Decimal Numbers. In fact she completed the whole mini course during this review period. This course is for grades 3rd - 7th and has 20 lessons.

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

If you like the idea of using the computer to help teach math. Believe me if your child works well on the computer these courses are excellent. Imagine video lessons, online and printable tests. Maths is not my strongest subject and although my husband is a bit of a math guru he's at home all day. although there has been times when he helps one child or another at 6am before work. 

Online math is a huge benefit to me and my kids like it too. 

The online Math Mini Courses are perfect to review some topics that are giving your kids a little trouble or some gaps in their learning. Although we only used two of them there are twenty courses altogether. When you buy a mini course it gives you one year access to the website, so you don't even have to rush through it however most of them only take a couple of months. Plus you can go back and do it again if needed for a whole year!

The lessons are online and very easy to maneuver. 

When the child signs in they see this;

They then click on the View/Launch button. 

After that the mini courses that the child is enrolled in comes up in the next screen.

This is the screen that popped up for Captain and so he clicks on the 'Launch' button to start his lesson.

As you can see from the student dashboard it is easy for the child to see what they need. The first thing that Captain would do was to click on the video lessons with interactive review. At that point he would click over to the left and choose the next lesson. 

The folder is closed when this screen opens but then all of the courses are listed on the side. You do have to remember to click 'finished' or else it will still be open the next time the child comes to find their next lesson. 

When the unit is completed you can see the date, status, and the score of the interactive question and answer. After this has been completed there is the option of completing online or printable worksheets. I only made Captain do these if he didn't score 100% on the test. We have worked about 3/4 of the way through the Elementary Fractions Mini Course. Boo however, has worked through all of her Decimal numbers course. 

We really enjoyed these courses, and they have really learned a lot. I sat next to Captain while he worked through his classes. He read the information easily. His only complaint was the that he though the voice in the videos sounded like a robot.

There are so many different courses used by different ages of the crew, you really need to click on the link below to find out what others thought!

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

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