YWAM Publishing - Harriet Tubman, Freedombound {TOS Review}

Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}

Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}

We have read and used YWAM Publishing historical biographies before and so Boo was really excited to be able to read the book Harriet Tubman Freedom Bound and it's Unit Study Guide. Since we had reviewed on of their titles before we knew what to expect and Boo seemed to be able to make her choice easier than last time when we review Clara Barton. She knew that she wanted to choose another female from their Heroes of History series. My feelings still haven't changed if I could I would buy this whole series.

My husband finds Harriet Tubman very interesting too so we had many discussions about her life and what kind of person she was.

Without quoting this book in it's entirety and without just saying 'You have to read this!' I am going to attempted to explain a little about Harriet Tubman. You can't think about Harriet Tubman without thinking about the underground railroad. She was herself an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian and a Union spy during the Civil War. She was born into slavery but was able to escaped and instead of running off and just living the good life, thinking of only herself she spent her life thinking of others and helped to free numerous amounts of enslaved families and friends by way of the Underground Railroad. Her actions even carried on after the American Civil War when she became active in the struggle for women's suffrage.

Harriet Tubman suffered terribly when she was a slave including receiving a extremely bad head injury when she was hit by a heavy metal weight that was intended for another slave. She suffered with effects of this injury throughout her life. This didn't stop her from helping others. She was called 'Moses' and was known for never losing a passenger.

During the Civil War she started work for the Union Army as a cook and nurse but her personality and bravery must have shone through as she became the first woman to lead an armed expedition. Her actions helped hundreds and left a great example of courage and long suffering. In fact it was announced just recently by the U.S. Treasury department that she will replace Andrew Jackson as the portrait on the $20 bill - how cool is that!

As you can tell this lady was just amazing! We really enjoyed reading about her. We didn't complete the study guide but we did utilize some of it in our study. The study guide contains lots of ideas of how to use the text to the fullest. It is especially good if you want to extend this book into a big unit study. We used the end of chapter questions to enable us to focus on the contents and have a place to start our discussion. The questions also asked about some of the new vocabulary and so this helped Boo to think about those too. Boo liked following the journeys of Harriet Truman on her map, this made the journeys more real to her and we discussed how much harder these journeys would have been on foot, at night, while hiding from people.

Harriet Tubman is quite a remarkable person. We have enjoyed studying about her during the last few weeks. I have said previously how much I love these books. If you click on the link below you can read about all the other books produced by YWAM Publishing.

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Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}

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