Devonian - GREEMU {TOS Review}

Greemu Devonian Review
For the last few weeks I have had the opportunity review an awesome beauty oil from Devonian called GREENMU. It's plant based which makes it a great option for people who are avoiding animal based oils. Although I am not concerned with using animal oils I know lots of people that love the thought of just using vegetable based products.

Last year I was introduced to Emu Oil  when I was able to review products from Koru Naturals and was completely impressed by it's quality (along with their other products). I must admit I was just as impressed with this plant based version. It's an awesome combination of plant oils and plant butter that is full of moisture replenishing benefits. It is basically the same in every way - except smell as the Emu oil and I love it just as much. GREENMU is made out of five ingredients;

1. Macadamia Seed Oil
2. Organic Palm Oil
3. Shea Butter
4. Sunflower Seed Oil
5. Rice Bran Oil

I received a 4 oz bottle of GREENMU oil to use for the past few weeks. We all swim every day and Boo has really long hair. We decided to try this oil to add some moisture to her ends as because we spend so much time in chlorine etc. However, we didn't want to add any oil to her roots. So instead of working from the roots down we just literally added it to her ends. It has a slight smell of Shea Butter but we use that with essential oils so it smells good to me.

I have also mixed this oil with my essential oils. It has proved to be as good a base as the Emu oil is and so again excellent. The benefit of applying it to the ends of our hair is that any excess is rubbed into our hands and nails. I love how little you have to use and how non-greasy it feels. Although we got a 4oz bottle I know this is going to last a long time. There are so many ways to use this oil. It calms the skin from sunburn, softens rough feet (trust me you don't want to see a picture) and smooths dry over chlorinated hair to name but a few. I am sure if you click on the link below you will find a lot of other uses.

You can also learn more about Devonian and GREEMU by connecting with them on Facebook and Pinterest.

Greemu Devonian Review

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