Apologia plans for 2013-2014

We have not really finished science for last year and don't have a date to start next year...Why not you may ask. Well mainly because we haven't stopped and we don't plan too. We get together with another family to do science and our kids love it so much we plan to keep going throughout the summer. Our 2012-2013 science year has been full and exciting. We started the year doing Astronomy, then went on to study Swimming Creatures, and are now working through Botany.

We used a lot of lapbooks last year and I know this coming year will be no different.

The little ones always have fun too.

 We are not quite sure where the next year will lead us. I know we will finish up Botany this summer. The older kids want to do Human Anatomy so I am sure that will come into the plans for next year.

Jam will be 7th grade and so we I will probably have to swap him to General Science soon. He loves the elementary series so much I know he will be jealous.

I do know however it will be a fun, science filled year.

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