Review - Memoria Press Geography 1

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I was recently given the chance to do a review from the company Memoria Press. I was very excited to be offered Geography I text suitable for grades 4-8. We have been studying a lot of Geography but have not done any map work for a little while and so I thought that this would be perfect for Jam and Boo to do together so I actually purchased an extra set of the consumable student workbooks.

Memoria Press  is a family-run publishing company that produces simple and easy-to-use classical Christian education materials for home and private schools. It was founded by Cheryl Lowe in 1994.

Geography I covers The Middle East, North Africa, and Europe which my children found really interesting. We used this three or four days a week, which meant that we covered about 3 countries a week. We have a globe and my kids loved to look for the countries they were reading about on the globe.

 The Geography I full set for grades 4-8 retails for $48.00 and includes;
  • Geography I Text
  • Geography I Workbook
  • Geography I Teacher Guide
  • United States Review Student
  • United States Review Key, Quizes, and Tests
The Geography I set is designed to be used after studying the United States and therefore includes booklets designed to help the students retain the information they studied the previous year.  We didn't use these books as I wanted to concentrate on the main text however, I have looked through them and we will definitely be incorporating them into our studies this year.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the books was how nice they were. The maps are clear and the worksheets easy to follow. Since my children were sharing a student text book they often worked on this subject together. They liked talking about extra facts that they knew and discussed the interesting facts that were included in the text.

Jam is really loves learning about the Roman Empire and loved that this course covered a lot of the world he is interested in right now. The website gives this description;

Geography of  the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe covers the area that constituted the ancient Roman Empire. Each region is explored in its historical context in “History’s Headlines,” as well as in the present in “Tour of Today.” Your student will learn countries and capitals of today and relate them to the ancient lands of the Greeks and Romans, deepening his understanding of both the past and the present.

This has definitely proved true for Jam.

We found the links supplied on the Memoria Press Website very interesting. It was nice to have a quick resource to see color images of the things we were reading about.

I loved that this program was so self explanatory that my kids could work with almost no help. In fact I really only needed to supervise and give them a unit test. Everything else they could do on their own. Great for their self esteem and great for me.

We loved this course, I loved the fact that it is an easy way for me to incorporate maps into their school day.

Check out the link below to see what others thought of this curriculum along with Prima Latina a introduction to Latin course.


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Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author


  1. Hello I just wanted to stop by and say I found your blog in the easy peasy blog roll....i'm so excited to get to know you!

  2. OOh, it does look good :) But then, I am a die hard Memoria Press fan ;)


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