A Life in Balance - Brain Training with Learning Breakthrough - (Schoolhouse Review Crew)

Learning Breakthrough Program Review

When I was asked to read the book A Life in Balance by The Learning Breakthrough Program I really didn't think that I would find it very relevant to my family. I mean my children are not geniuses but they are all very smart and capable. I didn't really think that I would 'click' with the book at all. However, within the first chapter, no I would have to correct that, within the introduction I would have to say I was hooked. Really, I was reading and little lights started to go off in my head, of how this information could help my kids.

Learning Breakthrough Program Review

I think I need to back up a little and tell you some background about the book. A Life In Balance (available on Amazon for $16.94 at the time I wrote this) is the story about a unique breakthrough in educational therapy. OK don't switch off there, because even if you think that your kids don't need 'educational therapy' this is definitely worth the read. It's about Frank Belgau and how he literally changed lives. He showed how by overcoming neurological barriers can make a huge difference in how our brains work. He talks about personal experiences that lead him on the journey to discovery.

My interest was sparked even more when I realized that Frank Belgau had a similar complaint to my youngest Little J. Frank Belgau had a lazy eye. This is something that we first noticed with Little J when he was two. He had glasses before his third birthday. If seems to be learning to read and progressing fine but I would love to help his weak eye work more efficiently. I also don't know anyone who wouldn't want their child to read better, think clearer, or learn more efficiently.

I don't want to tell you too much about the story...although I have already talked my husband's ear off as I have found it so interesting.

The book covers a span of more than 30 years. Some of the experiences in the book would be enough to send someone into a period of depression. However it also shows how you can turn a bad experience into something that shapes your life into something positive. Definitely a lemon into lemonade experience.

This book written by Frank Belgau's son shows great insight into the life of someone who made a huge impact of others. He lived up to the advice given to him by Mr Royer his middle school science teacher 

"Whatever you do" he said "make sure it makes the world a better place"

and he did.

I have spoken to my husband a lot about this book. Although Little J doesn't have any learning disabilities we are definitely going to look into if this program will help with his Amblyopia. To be honest this book made me think of a few strategies that I implement already in our home-school. When Little J (Jam or Boo) starts to be frustrated with what they are doing, or they start irritating each other. I have found the best way to get them to re-focus on their work is to give them some sort of exercise. We have a little mini trampoline in our family room. I have found physical exercise does wonders for attitude adjustments. When my children went to Public School the most common behavior punishment was to miss out on recess or exercise, something I always disagreed with.

This book has definitely sparked an interest in me, I will continue to research this program.

Check out what others thought of this book by clicking on the link below.

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