Kinder Cottage Publishing - TOS Review

We love to read books. Well all but Little J he would still prefer to be read too. He also loves getting mail so he was very excited to receive two new books in the mail from Kinder Cottage Publishing. We were sent two of their Peter Rabbit books to review and I couldn't have been happier.

Kinder Cottage Review
Who are Kinder Cottage Publishing I hear you ask. To read more about how they started you can click here. Basically a Mom and Dad (Howard and Ann) started the company in 2012 to ensure that their children (and ours) can be educated with the best books available.

I let Little J choose what titles he wanted to review, and he was very pleased to find out he had gotten the ones he wanted out of the set of 10. He chose number 2 Peter Rabbit at the Farm and number 4 How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea.

The books themselves are a very nice shiny hard back and each set of pages has one side that has a really nice picture on it.

I think everyone has read these books to Little J. He insisted that everyone take turns (mainly because he wanted to keep reading them.) I like that the language is such that the story is quite fun to read but not too babyish. In fact Little J with love to read these to himself soon. Little J loved the pictures and having pictures so often would be a great benefit to even younger children. As each page turned brings a new picture about the story. The first week we got these books Little J took them in the car, to bed, and anywhere else he could get away with. Lately of course he has moved on to other books. However, I know he will come back to these ones, and they are definitely going to have a place on my bookshelves for years to come. I may have to invest in the other volumes, it seems weird have books numbered without the rest of the set.

These books are adaptations of the original books published in 1917 by the Henry Altemus Company. The color narrations however have been preserved. From what I can tell the alterations to the text were to update some of the outdated vocabulary for example the word velocipede was changed to bicycle. I feel they have definitely kept the original quality and standard of the book.

These books are ideal for children 3-9 each book in the set is sold here for $4.00 each or you could buy the whole set for $30.00.

Kinder Cottage Review

Peter Rabbit at the Farm  is a fun story about how Peter Rabbit saves Little Goosie Poosie and her family, and solves the mystery of the missing water in the pond. Of course it is Peter Rabbit so his day at the farm involves lots of adventures but he always makes it home safe and sound.

In the book How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea Is a fun story of Peter Rabbits adventures on a little boat that he makes for himself out of a little soap box. He meets a shark, a whale, a crab, a sword-fish and a sea-gull all before returning safely home.

Kinder Cottage Review

Another bonus just for readers of the Schoolhouse Review Crew blogs you can go to their website and enter the code 'TOS' for 20% off. These books are definitely worth it.

The other book titles include The Tale of Peter RabbitPeter Rabbit's ChristmasPeter Rabbit Goes A-VisitingPeter Rabbit's EasterPeter Rabbit's BirthdayWhen Peter Rabbit Went to School, Peter Rabbit and the Little Boy, and Peter Rabbit and Jack the Jumper.

Check out what the crew thought of other titles by clicking on the link below.

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