The Ultimate Blog Party #UBP13


This is my first time participating in this blog party so I am kind of nervous... You know the walk into a room and not knowing any one kind.

I am originally from England and have lived in the States for the last 14 years. My husband is also from England and so although out children were all born here.
They still have some strange British quirks, eat British food, and pronounce things in different ways - yes my boys are cowboy boot wearing Americans through and through. The hats normally only come out for Halloween though.

We starting homeschooling about two years ago when Jam was starting 5th grade and Boo 3rd. We love it. At the time we had chickens and bunnies - however we recently gave them to a friend who has a farm since we are trying to relocate closer to my husbands work. (He commutes an hour each way.) So my blog name makes me chuckle it should now be Homeschool but NO chickens and bunnies.

I am excited to meet new friends. Leave me a comment to say Hi.

To learn more about me check out my Random 5 Friday post.

You can find me on;

©2011-2013 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author


  1. Glad you decided to join in! :)

    Miranda (from the Crew)

  2. Glad you joined in!! I'm glad to see the badge getting used! ;)


  3. Stopping by from the UBP. It appears that I'm already a follower though. lol

  4. Sounds like it's time for a new blog name - the evolution of this one made me giggle though!

    Visited today from UPB13 :o)

    1. I know I can not for the life of me think of a new one...maybe next year :)

  5. Thank you for stopping by my blog! My hubby also makes an hour long commute to work twice a day. Love the cowboy hats! Following along with your site :-)

    1. My boys love the hats and boots! Definitely All American :)

  6. You have beautiful children!

    Just dropping by from the #UBP13. You have a terrific blog here. Looking forward to getting to know you better! I hope you find the time to stop by my site. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Stopping by from the UBP2013 train! Love how life evolves but its hard to leave the past behind sometimes.

  8. Stopping by from teh AO forums, where apparently I haven't read my own threads for a while ;)
    I've been over here 14 years too, LOL. I guess we came over at a similar time!
    Although my husband is American through and through (he does claim Scottish ancestry), my kids say things differently too. Just last night, I was in a shop, where my kids were out of sight. I thought I heard an English voice, only when I turned around, it was my kids talking to each other ;)

    1. How funny! I had someone ask me the other day if the American accent sounds funny...I said no, but the English one does when I hear it. lol They then said - but you sound English - Which is funny because I just don't hear it.

    2. LOL
      The English does sound funny- because you become so attuned to American living here :) The kids sound weird because they have an almost Tudor accent- just about halfway between American and English. Although their local friend's parent thinks they sound weird... like English. I'm quoting, by the way ;)

  9. Hi,

    I come for the party ^___*. I like to "meet" new blogger friends. Lovely children....

    Pls return to see my UBP blog post too in here: See you at my blog ;)

  10. What cuties! Thought I'd stop in and show a little love by dropping a comment. I'm surfing on over from the UBP! I'm following you on twitter now too.

    Party on! ::: Tossing Confetti :::

  11. Visiting from the UBP to link up and say HI! Hope you have a great day!

  12. Welcome to the party! It's intimidating the first year, but you will end up with so many new favorite blogs and friends that it's worth it. :)

  13. Hi, fellow "Crewbie"! Thanks for visiting my blog. I am subscribing to yours.

  14. Hello there! Stopping by from your post on my UBP post! Cute name for a blog, even if you don't have them anymore. We have chickens too now, which is quite the adventure for me! Hope you are having fun "partying." :)

  15. Hi! New follower here from the UBP13! Your blog is awesome and we have a good bit in common. I am a new blogger and hope you will stop by and follow me at! Happy Blogging!

  16. Hi there! I am stopping over from the UBP! Love meeting fellow homeschoolers! The pictures of your boys are too cute! If you have a moment, pop on by my blog and say hi! Its great to meet you and Happy Schooling!

  17. Hi, I found you through UBP13. I'm kind of a newb to blogging, but I'm loving it so far. I'm an educator, former foster parent (for kids with emotional, physical, and mental disabilities) and adoptive dad of two kiddos with special needs. It's been great reaching out, talking to, and hopefully helping other families! My whole blog is all about learning to learn and helping families succeed using brain-based practices. Come check it out. I think you will like it!

  18. I’m stopping by from the UBP13. We hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.


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