New Liberty Videos - Warriors of Honor {TOS Review}

New Liberty Videos Review

We love documentaries.  When I was offered a choice of a DVD from New Liberty Videos. We were very pleased to be sent our first choice from the list offered which was a DVD called Warriors of Honor. This DVD retails at $19.95.

A couple of weeks ago I was feeling a little sick, and so I thought it was a perfect time to pull out this DVD and have a comfy history afternoon.  The kids were very excited to have a change of pace for the afternoon, and were more than willing to sit and watch 'TV'.

Sometimes when I watch TV I fall asleep. I don't sit down during the day very often, so it was a rare treat. However, this documentary kept my attention. In fact I had to watch it twice just to make sure I didn't miss any of my favorite quotes.

This DVD is a documentary that talks about the causes and battles of the Civil War from a southern point of view. It focuses on the lives and Christian beliefs of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. I can honestly say I didn't know much about these two generals. I was born and raised in England. My Civil War history coverage was scanty to say the least and obviously written from the viewpoint of the North. The only thing I knew about these two men was basically what battles they were in etc.. We all know that there are two sides to every story and to the victor the spoils - and the pages of the history books.

The video is 80 minutes long. We found it engaging and very informative. As I have mentioned before I was not born in America. I found it interesting to learn about the differences in the cultures of the North and South before the Civil War.  The South were very independent and didn't want the government controlling every detail of their lives. The North were happy to have the government have more influence. I was amazed at the facts included in the video, some of which I had heard before, some that were completely new to me.

My children were astounded of how bloody the conflict was, how many men died, how many families were torn apart. We had read this information before, but somehow listening to it while watching pictures of actual people, and video of battle re-enactments it sunk in a little deeper.

This film is aimed at general audiences. I watched it with all of my children including my six year old. We have watched a lot of documentaries and so I knew that Captain America would be able to handle it. However there are pictures and descriptions  of actual carnage of the war, so if you are concerned about it, I would preview it before watching it with young children.

I will definitely be watching this again. In fact I know I will because my husband hasn't seen it yet and my kids have been talking about it so much that he really wants too. My kids have also discussed this DVD with their Grandparents and my Dad really wants to watch it too. (Guess what we will be doing next time they come to visit!)

I love it when something catches their interest and makes us discuss something as a family. We discussed how difficult it must have been to be a good Christian during these times. Of course there are many things we don't really understand still about this war. However, this movie reminds us that it was about more than slavery. It seems hard to understand that there were Christian, God fearing men on both sides of this battle. I had always been taught that the Civil War was about slavery but this video explained that is was about so much more. That there was good and bad leaders on each side.

I wish I could sit down with these great leaders (from both sides) and really know the truth about they 'whys' and 'whats' of this battle. Unfortunately this is I am left wondering.

I loved that there are so many personal accounts throughout the video. Pictures, quotes from letters, eyewitness accounts.

We live in an area with lots of Civil War history. We have re-enactments and monuments and a lot of interesting things around where we live. In fact just last weekend we were going to the zoo and drove past a huge re-enactment. Captain America was looking out of the window and saw the two uniforms. He said "look Mom, that's a re-enactment of the Civil War, their uniforms are the same as in the documentary we watched."

This DVD is just one that we were offered to review. Click on the link below to read more reviews.

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