The Legend of the Candy Cane - By Lori Walburg {BookLookBlogger Review}

We love books and although it's not Christmas yet - I know it's actually Halloween as I am writing this.

However If I want to tell you about some really fun Christmas books I have to do it with time for you to check them out too before Christmas - I mean really you wouldn't want me to tell you about them on Christmas Eve - Although that's exactly when I will be reading this one (along with a few others I will be telling you about soon).

The Legend of the Candy Cane

This is a very cute story introducing the symbolism behind the candy cane.

The story starts when a stranger turns up in town and starts fixing up an old store. The people in town are very curious, but nobody knew what the stranger was doing. Until Lucy decides to help. She sees to her joy that the stranger is opening a candy store. With excitement she looks at all the lollipops, gumballs, taffy, and her favorite candy gumdrops. In the very last crate she spies a new candy. After asking what it is she is told that it is a candy cane and it's a very special Christmas candy. The shopkeeper then goes on to tell her the meaning behind it.

My kids loved this story and I know it will become one of our favorite Christmas books.

The illustrations by Richard Cowdrey are perfect and really help the story come alive!

I was sent a copy of this book to review from BookLookBloggers.

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