Random Five Friday January 16th 2015

1. It's been a great week! It's a really good feeling to have reviews coming in again. We received our first review in the mail, and we listened to it today! I can't wait to dig into the study guide. The kids really enjoyed In Freedom's Cause.

2. Jam and I cleaned the Church today together. He was such a gentleman and cleaned the bathrooms. We worked super fast...the fact we had a zoo trip planned was a huge incentive.

3. Today after all the freezing weather, we had one of those January blessing days where it hit 55 degrees. So I don't know what you do on days like that...but we go to the zoo.

4. Perfect day. We saw baby penguins and baby kangaroos. Grandma and Grandpa dropped everything to come and my sister came too.

5. Tomorrow is quite exciting. In our church kids don't go to dances until they are 14. Tomorrow Jam is going to his first dance. It's going to be a fun evening.

The Pebble Pond

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