Random Friday January 30th 2015

1. This week we celebrated Heather's 19th birthday. I can't believe it's been sixteen years since she's been gone.

2. Boo and Jam had a great swim meet last Saturday. Boo dropped 18 seconds in her 100 IM and qualified for districts. She's qualified for districts in just about every race. She has two more chances to drop more seconds to qualify for championships, right now she has qualified in the 50 Fly! Jam dropped 23 seconds overall in a four of his races. It was a great day!

3. We ordered Papa Johns yesterday. The kids and my hubby were a little disappointed...we bought it for a treat with their 'superbowl' special but we all decided our home made pizza is better.

4. We made this amazing Coconut Curry Soup from Mel's kitchen on Monday I added a little more curry powder and cayenne pepper and we ate it with basmati rice. It was amazing.

5.  Do you have a family tradition. Ours seems to be making pizza on a Friday night :)

The Pebble Pond

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  1. Nope; don't really have any family traditions anymore. It's sad, actually, I guess.


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