The Joy is worth the pain

Nineteen years ago today I became a Mom for the first time. My daughter was born weighing 6lb and 1oz after a very quick induced birth. I had to have a blood transfusion and realized that gas and air (readily available in English hospitals) was one of my best friends.

We realized straight away that our life would never be the same. I remember that before Heather was born we had decided that we would never use a pacifier however, before my husband came to see me the next morning (no all night visitors in the English dormitory style hospital rooms) I insisted that he bring one with him!

However three years, nine months, and six days later our lives changed again forever. Our little angel was called home. My husband and I have talked at length and both completely agree, we would do it again. The blessings she brought into our lives was worth the pain and heartache of missing her. If I was told now that I could have her but only for a short time, I would jump at the chance.

She came and left us better because we love her every day without fail. We are not the same, but we mourn because we love, and loving made us better people.

We love you Heather and miss you every day!


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