Farfaria App Review and Giveaway

I recently had the opportunity to review the really cool reading app FarFaria.

Captain America really loves me to read him stories, which of course I love to do. However, he seriously would have me read them all day if he could. So when I heard about FarFaria I thought it would be a great app to try out while we are working on Captain reading more to himself.

PLUS as a bonus I have a 3 month subscription for you to win! First of all this app works on Android and iPhones so it doesn't matter if you have an Android loving husband like mine or a Apple one like my brother, you can use this app on either.

The app is really easy to get around. In fact I never looked at it until Captain had been using it for a week or so. There is a huge variety of books to choose from. They are divided into different topics animals, classics, fairytales, adventure, and bedtime. It's set up like a cool map, Captain calls it his treasure map. Which of course I think is cool because books of course are a treasure.

There are a ton of fact and fiction books available on the app which can be sorted my topic and reading level.

Captain likes to have the books read to him, but older more experienced readers can choose to read the books themselves. It's really easy as you can tell from a picture of his pad below. Green button and off he goes. Internet is needed to read new books but once you save it to your favorite then it's available off-line. Which is something we are working on for our next road trip. Books are SO much better than movies.


The books are all listed in reading ability and and the reading levels are clearly posted on the front of each book.

Created for children ages 2-9, FarFaria helps children develop a passion for reading and encourages families to spend quality time reading together. FarFaria’s engaging story-discovery experience encourages children to stumble into new stories they’ll love forever.

     Unlimited reading from our library of more than 800 stories.
     Five new, engaging stories added every week.
     Interactive experience is fun for kids and easy for parents
     Every story can be read aloud with a Read-to-Me feature.
     Reading-level badge on every story cover.
     Offline access to read Favorite stories
     Search for books by genre, title or keyword
     Find books you already enjoy with Recently Read
     Book Club – connect with friends and family to get a list of reading recommendations from people you know

     No advertising. No hidden fees.

Try FarFaria for Free: Download FarFaria and read one story every day for free with no obligation to pay. Unlimited access starts at just $4.99 per month.

Captains favorite place to read using this app is in his tent. I don't have to worry about the lack of light since the book is bright enough on the app.

 So if you have a kid that likes to read like I do you will definitely want to enter my giveaway below.

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