Random Five Friday - January 2nd

Happy New Year

1. I missed my random five last week. Mainly because I was busy celebrating boxing day with my family. 

2. We had a great Christmas. Usually we get together with my extended family on Christmas Eve. However, due to the fact we could have EVERYONE together for the first time in quite a few years. It was worth waiting until Boxing Day. 

3. My brother in-law has just published a book on Amazon. It's the first of three. I read it last week and really enjoyed it. My Boo has just finished it and she really liked it too! Now Jam is reading it. Stand Alone is about a girl name Charli. She has one unique characteristic - she can't lie. It's is a good mix of supernatural, good vs evil. I can't wait to read the next two books!

4. We ended up with an impromptu movie night tonight. We don't do sleep-overs so the kids think it's fun when they can have pizza, popcorn, and a movie with friends until 10pm!

5. Friday night for me is a night of Lewis. We love them because they are all movie length and not very gruesome.

Hope you have had a good week!

The Pebble Pond

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