Coming SOON Purex PowerShot Review and Giveaway 2 Winners!

I am a Purex Insider and sometimes get the chance to try out new Purex products.

The latest product Purex PowerShot is an really cool product. I have a tendency to put WAY too much detergent in when I wash. Honestly who can really get 32 loads out of a normal bottle - try 15 max for me! However, with this new bottle of Purex I can finally see me keeping to the right amount of liquid!

Here's a quick video of my second time using the PowerShot bottle!

Of course it has the awesome cleaning power that I have come to expect from Purex just in a nifty designed bottle! I really hate having liquid leaking everywhere after putting a load in, and so far this product has lived up to it's 'mess free' claim.

So if you want to win a coupon to get your own bottle as soon as they come in the store you'll want to fill out the giveaway below. I will be giving 2 lucky winners 1 coupon each - for 1 free bottle.

Plus don't for get to pop over to Purex's page here and enter their giveaway - you could win a new washer dryer!

Follow Purex on Facebook.

©2011-2014 Chickensbunniesandhomeschool. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author


  1. We do well over ten loads of laundry at our house!

  2. I do at least 1 load of laundry a day but usually it is more. I have two teenage daughter and boy do they go through some clothes.

  3. I do 10-12 loads a week, I have 5 kids and seems I am always doing laundry

  4. I do three to four loads of laundry in a week.

  5. We average about four or five loads a week.

  6. 2 - 3 a day -- a minimum of 14 a week.

  7. We average four to five loads a week!!!

  8. I do 4-5 loads of laundry per week

  9. Normally about 10 loads...but this week will have some extra for the dogs.


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