Random Five Friday January 23rd 2015

This has been a crazy week.

1. Jam fell over our little trampoline and has a really ugly looking toe. It affects his walk but not him swimming :) which is good because we have a swim meet this weekend and he is hoping to drop some time.

2. The kids had Martin Luther King Day off school this week. We don't usually but they had a sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa and then went to the movies. They had a blast. They love hanging out with them.

3. The kids have just found Home Improvement it's funny to see all the old shows again.

4. We have SO many cool reviews in process at the moment. You will really like some of them.

5. We are in a little homeschool group (really low key just like I love) basically we just get together once a month for a field trip. Today we went to a neighboring town to visit a couple of local museums. We had great fun!

The Pebble Pond

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